Find Your People

We need other people; it’s how we were designed and created. Groups are small and medium-sized communities that meet throughout the North Metro. Each group is distinct and varies in their meeting location, rhythms, and purpose, but all seek to be spaces to build community and connect others through Jesus and gospel-conversations.

Join A Group

  • Central Westminster

    Type: Small Group
    Audience: Adult, Co-Ed
    Location: Westminster (80031)
    Meets: Thursday Night (see schedule)
    Childcare: See schedule

  • Mom's Walking Group

    Type: Community Group
    Audience: For moms or moms-to-be
    Location: Westminster/Broomfield
    Meets: Every other Thursday at 10am
    Childcare: Bring your stroller and your kids!

  • BetterMan

    Type: Dicipleship Group
    Audience: Men, all ages
    Location: Westminster, 80023
    Meets: Tuesday at 6am
    Childcare: Not provided

  • Small Groups are small and medium-sized communities that meet throughout North Denver Metro. Each group is distinct and varies in their meeting location, rhythms, and purpose, but all seek to be spaces to build community and connect others through Jesus and gospel-conversations.

  • Our small groups have three different types: community, interest, and formation:

    Small Group – These are small to medium size groups (typically 8-20 people) where the focus is on connecting together through prayer, studying the Bible, and engaging in each other’s lives.

    Community Group – These are smaller groups that are based around stages of life or the activities people enjoy doing together. These groups are less Bible study focused but still emphasize spiritual care and growth.

    Discipleship Group – These are smaller groups and usually with a set timeframe for meeting. D-Groups focus on going deeper into God’s Word or specific biblical subjects.

  • In all groups, we desire people to learn what it means to fall in love with Jesus and live the life of a disciple. Our hope is that they create a space for all people - those who have an existing faith in Jesus, and those who are uncertain in what they believe.

    Joining a group is the primary way our church cultivates meaningful community, and this is one of the many ways we believe God transforms us as growing disciples. Whether you are new to faith or have been following Jesus for years, we encourage you to experience the vibrancy of Christian community by joining a group!

  • Look at the different groups published on our website to find one that matches your stage of life, location, and interest. In each group, you’ll see a button that says “Request to Join.” Complete the form and we’ll help get you connected with the group!