Community is our Commitment

December 15, 2023 | One minute read

As a church, our fourth value is that community is our commitment. By this, we mean that we will be a church that is built on groups, not simply a church that offers groups.

We weren’t designed to live life alone. The epidemic of loneliness is not unknown to many of us, and most of us have experienced this firsthand. Our desire is that Rock City would be a place where an authentic community is created, and people are able to find others they can connect with.

We are on a mission to be a church where people encounter Jesus, find community, and live out their purpose –– we want you to be a part of making this happen.

At Rock City, community is built through small groups that…

  • Are spiritually connected and point each other toward Jesus.

  • Care for one another and are focused on meeting each other’s needs.

  • Ask questions like, “How are you?” Not “where were you?”

  • Meet in a variety of ways, times and places that help you invite others.

We’ve been praying for YOU and that you would be part of a church where, through commitment to community, this becomes a reality! Take your next step and let us know if you’d be interested in helping start a new church in Westminster!
