Every Invite Matters

January 21, 2024 | One minute read

Why do we invite? In every area of our lives, we invite others to be part of things that matter to us and that we want them to be a part of.

Our heart and prayer is that Rock City would be a place and a community that so profoundly impacts your life that you can’t help but invite those you meet! The encounters you have with Jesus through our church would stir you to share with others what God has been doing in your life!

Our mission is to be a church where people encounter Jesus, find community, and live out their purpose –– and that often starts with an invite.

Here are some practical ways to meet and invite people:

  • Leave an invite card with your tip at a restaurant or coffee shop.

  • Start a conversation with a neighbor or your next trip to the park.

  • Share your story with others on social media.

  • Think about people you already know who don’t have a church home –– relatives, friends, co-workers –– and ask them to have coffee or invite them for a meal.

We want to invite YOU to be part of a church that invites people, not to a service, but to experience what God wants to do in their life! Take your next step and let us know if you’d be interested in helping start a new church in Westminster!

