As a church, our fifth value is that serving is our honor. We see giving back and investing in the lives of others not as something we have to do but as something we get to be part of.
Ultimately, we show the world and look most like Jesus whenever we serve. It’s not always the big events and grand gestures that make the most impact (though they can), but often, small acts of kindness that go unseen create opportunities for people to encounter Jesus and hear the good news.
We are on a mission to be a church where people encounter Jesus, find community, and live out their purpose –– by serving with us, you can make this happen.
At Rock City, we’re focused on first serving our city through:
Generosity and giving back to our community.
Meeting the needs of individuals who are hurting or struggling.
Investing in starting new churches that have a heart for serving.
Stepping out in faith and believing in God for open doors to give back.
We’ve been praying for YOU and that you would be part of a church where, through giving back to our city, this becomes a reality! Take your next step and let us know if you’d be interested in helping start a new church in Westminster!